Some of the key approaches to coaching include:
SOLUTIONS-FOCUSED COACHING: focuses primarily on existing strengths and resources, rather than the deficits that need to be rectified. It aims to achieve rapid change through creating small manageable steps, which build on what has gone before and reinforce past success.
BEHAVIOURAL COACHING: focuses on the actions of an individual more than their emotional state. It works on identifying goals and options for achieving them, and usually leaves the client with specific, clearly worked through actions and items to follow-up.
NLP COACHING: often resembles and shares much of CBS coaching, in terms of its model of how we construct patterns of thought. However, it has its own toolkit of techniques which can be applied for rapid change. NLP is not strictly coaching as defined by the principles, but a great deal from NLP can be used in coaching, including particularly powerful goal setting.
EXISTENTIAL COACHING: This form of coaching explores how the client’s behaviours and emotional responses are actually responses to the very conditions and realities of being human. For example: the need to make choices, the need to connect, and the acceptance of mortality.
APPRECIATIVE COACHING: focuses on strengths and positive aspects of life and rediscovering the joys of life. It explores client’s visions and dreams for life, in order to encourage a transformational experience.
COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL COACHING (CBC): focuses on the connections people make between external events and the internal responses to those events, and the actions that these lead to. It recognises that these emotional associations and responses are within our own control, particularly when brought to light and consciously managed.
TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS COACHING: Building on the work of similar psychotherapists, Transactional Analysis Coaching focuses on how we connect & communicate with ourselves and with others, based on ways of being and doing which are learned in our youth. Exploring ego states, transactions, life-scripts and more, it is a powerful framework for change.